Propidium Iodide in PBS Cell Viability Reagent Ready to use : just mix with your sample 1:10 What you need: suitable and designed for the Moxi Go II of Gemini Bio Products Fast and easy: always in stock Order: by mail or ask for a (more…)
ozone online Dextens O3Process Analyzer Easy to handle : completely new way to service an electrochemical sensor Highly precise: no drift of zero The safe way: adjustment in air Complete: always comes with material certificates for wetted parts (more…)
Vi Cell XR Reagents The affordable alternative kind to your budget : 200 sample cups plus the required reagents for € 220 reliable and fast delivery: Made in Germany and available from stock What you need: suitable and designed for the Vi-CELL XR of Beckman Coulter Request a sample: (more…)
oxygen online Dextens O2Process Analyzer Easy to handle : completely new way to service an electrochemical sensor Highly precise: no drift of zero The safe way: adjustment in air Conveniant: sensor fits to Orbisphere insertion devices and vice versa (more…)
Moxi GO II New generation in Flow Cytometry easy: intuitive without the need for a manual fast: analysis in 20 seconds precise: +/-3% through coulter principle thrifty: only few µl required as sample (more…)